Ukraine public holidays 2020
Ukraine public holidays 2020

ukraine public holidays 2020

Ukraine has 5,601 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the beginning of the outbreak in early March. Some 300,000 Crimean Tatars in Ukraine make up the largest part of the country’s Muslims, estimated to be between 600,000 and 2 million people, representing the second largest religion in Ukraine after Christianity, according to Kyiv Post.In several Ukrainian regions, authorities have taken additional measures to keep people at home on Easter holidays celebrated this year on April 18-20.

ukraine public holidays 2020

The atmosphere of fear and intimidation prompted 25-30,000 to flee to Ukraine’s mainland. Russia has also outlawed the Crimean Tatars’ historic self-governing body, the Mejlis, according to Foreign Affairs. Human rights organisations have reportedly documented at least 1,500 violent incidents in Russian-occupied Crimea, targeting mostly Tartars, who constitute the majority of the Kremlin’s political prisoners. While the community gradually returned to the Crimean Peninsula during the Soviety Perestroika era, Crimean Tartars have been subject to ruthless repression since Russia’s illegal annexation of the territory. Historical commentators view the ethnic cleansing as collective punishment for the perceived collaboration of some members of the group with Nazi Germany. Some 8,000 Crimean Tartars died during the deportation and thousands more perished in the harsh conditions of exile. “We want to support you not only in words, but in actions, at the legislative level”, he said.īetween 18-, the Stalinist regime forcibly transferred nearly 200,000 ethnic Crimean Tartars – mostly women, children and the elderly – to areas within Soviet territory, particularly Siberia and Uzbekistan. Addressing representatives of the indigenous Muslim community, President Volodymyr Zelensky said he wanted the Crimean Tatar people to feel like “fully-fledged” citizens of Ukraine whose “history and traditions” were remembered.

Ukraine public holidays 2020