Music like ops 2 from system shock 2
Music like ops 2 from system shock 2

music like ops 2 from system shock 2

Wolf 3D (1992): Zero Hour – I honestly cannot understand why I love this short looped song so much! It's so darn catchy! The children singing in the CD version creeped me out when I first heard it years ago. Shadow Warrior (1997): Attention – It makes me think of an outnumbered samurai, whose burning spirit drives him to fight through the opposition.īlood (1997): Infuscomus (MIDI or CD version) – An eerie song that is undeniably Blood it's what I hum every time I think of the game.

music like ops 2 from system shock 2 music like ops 2 from system shock 2

Strife (1996): Tribal – Down' n' dirty, chaotic sounds for a chaotic cult!Ĭhex Quest 1, 2, and 3 (1996): United Cereals – Personally, this is Fred Chexter's theme to me, sounds like the song of a determinedĭuke Nukem 3D (1996): Water World – Very relaxing song, absolutely love the harp part. Hexen (1995): "Level" (Bright Crucible) – Love the heroic feel of it, makes me think the three heroes just finished facing their first serious threat in their quest to stop Korax, but there's more to come. Heretic (1994): The Crypts – Very mysterious, like coming across a previously unknown underground civilization. There are three simulation units on this deck that need to be hacked, then the Soldier can continue on to the Recreation Deck.I decided to put this here since it doesn't just pertain to Doom alone.Ĭurious to know some of everyone's favorite tracks, and if you care to explain, understand why they are your favorites!ĭoom (1993): Deep into the code – Love the guitar in this song!ĭoom II (1994): Between Levels – Nice percussion song and lovely bass remind me of band class.įinal Doom: TNT Evilution (1996): AimShootKill – As repetitive as it is, I love this song's guitar so much! After SHODAN explains how The Many came to be and the final moments at Citadel Station, she requires the Soldier to hack the simulation units and give her control of the ship by infiltrating XERXES' primary data loop. On this deck, the Soldier discovers that Janice Polito is dead, and the person guiding him is actually SHODAN.

Music like ops 2 from system shock 2