Diablo reaper of souls download free
Diablo reaper of souls download free

diablo reaper of souls download free

HOWEVER this has made me much less likely to buy another Blizzard game. Not happy about this, but I will do it because I like the game. I liked the game enough to make another character and start playing with it only to discover that I could go only so far with the version of the game and had to find (where?) and buy more of the game.

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After I played 12 plus hours, the character disappeared and I could not find it in the bowels of my computer.

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The box contained the disc, code, several guest passes so you could get friends together to game online (not my cup of tea), and a small paper notepad. I paid $80 for Diablo II when it came out and was happy to find Diablo III, Reaper of Sou ls in a brick and mortar store. Disappointed in teaser version sold as the full game.

Diablo reaper of souls download free